SoftBlocker yra serverio anticytas veikiantis su whblokeriu
SoftBlocker blokuoja AIM ir SoundESP.
WHB nustatymai
atnaujinimai[General Options]
debug = 0
esp = 1
smooth = 1
smoothout = 1
smoothent = 45
decalfix = 2
antinoflash = 0
alphaflash = 255
team = 0
fov = 1
solid = 2
barrel = 1
blockent = 1
hlfix = 1
metacall = 0
blocktype = 1
skytrace = 0
revis = 0
interp = 0.075
jaigu serveri naudojat vip tab butina isideti plugina kuri rasit .rar-1.1g
Fix the falls on HLDS
-But in fact, the difference between 1.0 and 1.1 in the version
-They did not change anything in the module, except that they renamed it
-Fuck pounding: D
- 1.0:
Transfer from the amxx module to the metamod plugin.
Fix vulnerabilities version 0.6.1, through which some types of cheats could work.
Correcting the display of VIP status in the Tab.
SoundESP Flood fix.
Optimization of the algorithm for blocking AIM and SoundESP.
Fix the module's fall on 5787 build.
Remove duplicate functions taken by their WHBlocker.