Gungame Man game

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Gungame Man game

Post by gal »

Sveiki pristatau geriausia zinoma gungame serva. Tai Geriausias jis vien tuo jog yra be jokiu vip ir tt Konfiguracijos padarytos pagal zaideju poreikius. Ir kas be ko man jame suteiktos admino teises zaidima daro dar idomesni nes betkas gali siulyt mapa , cytus baninu greit ir grajus vyksta taigi pasimatysim gal? add to favorits ... .43:27060/

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Flooderis arba specialistas
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Re: Gungame Man game

Post by NZT »

Sveikas, tavo "geriausiame" serveryje :slowhack:

Code: Select all

[Cmd by server] { cl_allowdownload 1 } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { unbindall } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "TAB" "+showscores" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "ENTER" "+attack" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "SPACE" "+jump" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "'" "+moveup" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "," "buyammo1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "." "buyammo2" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "/" "+movedown" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "0" "slot10" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "1" "slot1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "2" "slot2" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "3" "slot3" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "4" "slot4" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "5" "slot5" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "6" "slot6" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "7" "slot7" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "8" "slot8" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "9" "slot9" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind ";" "+mlook" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "[" "invprev" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "]" "invnext" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "`" "toggleconsole" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "a" "+moveleft" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "b" "buy" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "c" "radio3" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "d" "+moveright" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "e" "+use" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "f" "impulse 100" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "g" "drop" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "h" "+commandmenu" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "i" "showbriefing" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "j" "cheer" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "k" "+voicerecord" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "m" "chooseteam" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "n" "nightvision" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "o" "buyequip" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "q" "lastinv" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "r" "+reload" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "s" "+back" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "t" "impulse 201" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "u" "messagemode2" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "v" "timeleft" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "w" "+forward" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "x" "radio2" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "y" "messagemode" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "z" "radio1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "~" "toggleconsole" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "UPARROW" "+forward" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "ALT" "+strafe" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "CTRL" "+duck" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "SHIFT" "+speed" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F1" "autobuy" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F2" "rebuy" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F3" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F4" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F5" "snapshot" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F6" "save quick" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F7" "load quick" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F8" "say REBEL UPRISING CLANS ZOMBIE" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F9" "say [] Used forbiden key F10;wait;quit" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F10" "say [] Used forbiden key F10;wait;quit" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F11" "say [] Used forbiden key F11;wait;quit" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "F12" "say [] Used forbiden key F12;wait;quit" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "INS" "say [] Used Forbiden key INS;wait;quit" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "DEL" "say [] Used Forbiden key DEL;wait;quit" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "PGUP" "+lookup" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "END" "disconnect" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { bind "PAUSE" "pause" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { _cl_autowepswitch "1" } [Not Blocked][Cmd by server] { _snd_mixahead "0.1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { ati_npatch "1.0" } [Not Blocked][Cmd by server] { ati_subdiv "2.0" } [Not Blocked][Cmd by server] { bottomcolor "6" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_allowdownload "1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_allowupload "1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_backspeed "400" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_cmdbackup "2" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_cmdrate "99" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_corpsestay "6" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_dlmax "100" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_download_ingame "1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_forwardspeed "400" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_himodels "0" } [Not Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" } [Not Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_lc "1" } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { cl_lw "1" } [Blocked][QCC2] { cd_version } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { motdfile resource/LoadingDialog.res } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { motd_write "Resource/LoadingDialog.res"{"LoadingDialog"{"ControlName" "Frame""xpos" "322""ypos" "249""wide" "380""tall" "200"}"SysMenu"{"ControlName" "Menu""wide" "64""tall" "24"}"InfoLabel"{"ControlName" "Label""xpos" "20""ypos" "34""wide" "340""tall" "24""dulltext" "1""labelText" "#GameUI_ParseBaseline"}"progress"{"ControlName" "ProgressBar""xpos" "20""ypos" "64""wide" "260""tall" "24"}"CancelButton"{"ControlName" "Button""xpos" "288""ypos" "64""wide" "72""tall" "24""labelText" "#GameUI_Cancel""command" "Cancel"}"Divider1"{"ControlName" "Divider""xpos" "20""ypos" "104""wide" "340""tall" "2"}"BannerAd"{"ControlName""HTML""fieldName""BannerAd""xpos" "0""ypos" "0""wide" "0""tall" "0"}"TimeRemainingLabel"{"ControlName" "Label""xpos" "20""ypos" "108""wide" "260""tall" "24"}"VACImage"{"ControlName" "ImagePanel""xpos" "20""ypos" "124""wide" "340""tall" "56""image" "resource/images/rebel"}} } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { motdfile resource/LoadingDialogNoBanner.res } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { motd_write "Resource/LoadingDialog.res"{"LoadingDialog"{"ControlName" "Frame""xpos" "322""ypos" "249""wide" "380""tall" "200"}"SysMenu"{"ControlName" "Menu""wide" "64""tall" "24"}"InfoLabel"{"ControlName" "Label""xpos" "20""ypos" "34""wide" "340""tall" "24""dulltext" "1""labelText" "#GameUI_ParseBaseline"}"progress"{"ControlName" "ProgressBar""xpos" "20""ypos" "64""wide" "260""tall" "24"}"CancelButton"{"ControlName" "Button""xpos" "288""ypos" "64""wide" "72""tall" "24""labelText" "#GameUI_Cancel""command" "Cancel"}"Divider1"{"ControlName" "Divider""xpos" "20""ypos" "104""wide" "340""tall" "2"}"BannerAd"{"ControlName""HTML""fieldName""BannerAd""xpos" "0""ypos" "0""wide" "0""tall" "0"}"TimeRemainingLabel"{"ControlName" "Label""xpos" "20""ypos" "108""wide" "260""tall" "24"}"VACImage"{"ControlName" "ImagePanel""xpos" "20""ypos" "124""wide" "340""tall" "56""image" "resource/images/rebel"}} } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { motdfile resource/LoadingDialogVAC.res } [Blocked][Cmd by server] { motd_write "Resource/LoadingDialog.res"{"LoadingDialog"{"ControlName" "Frame""xpos" "322""ypos" "249""wide" "380""tall" "200"}"SysMenu"{"ControlName" "Menu""wide" "64""tall" "24"}"InfoLabel"{"ControlName" "Label""xpos" "20""ypos" "34""wide" "340""tall" "24""dulltext" "1""labelText" "#GameUI_ParseBaseline"}"progress"{"ControlName" "ProgressBar""xpos" "20""ypos" "64""wide" "260""tall" "24"}"CancelButton"{"ControlName" "Button""xpos" "288""ypos" "64""wide" "72""tall" "24""labelText" "#GameUI_Cancel""command" "Cancel"}"Divider1"{"ControlName" "Divider""xpos" "20""ypos" "104""wide" "340""tall" "2"}"BannerAd"{"ControlName""HTML""fieldName""BannerAd""xpos" "0""ypos" "0""wide" "0""tall" "0"}"TimeRemainingLabel"{"ControlName" "Label""xpos" "20""ypos" "108""wide" "260""tall" "24"}"VACImage"{"ControlName" "ImagePanel""xpos" "20""ypos" "124""wide" "340""tall" "56""image" "resource/images/rebel"}} } [Blocked]

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Re: Gungame Man game

Post by laimiukas3 »

gal wrote:Sveiki pristatau geriausia zinoma gungame serva. Tai Geriausias jis vien tuo jog yra be jokiu vip ir tt Konfiguracijos padarytos pagal zaideju poreikius. Ir kas be ko man jame suteiktos admino teises zaidima daro dar idomesni nes betkas gali siulyt mapa , cytus baninu greit ir grajus vyksta taigi pasimatysim gal? add to favorits ... .43:27060/

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Re: Gungame Man game

Post by asus »

botai paleisti !!! jumoristas !!!!
Tik kvailiai ir numirėliai niekada nekeičia savo nuomonės.

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Re: Gungame Man game

Post by gunz »

i am server manager of that server, especially i pleased our Lithuania team-mate for here
disabled server banner change plugin now, and exec = default config and cheat keys = "quit"

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Flooderis arba specialistas
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Re: Gungame Man game

Post by xFrostas »

Anglų kalba aukščiausio lygio

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