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Posted: 2015 Jan 08 01:38
by NZT
NBEX is a metamod plugin that extends "net buffers": server buffers (reliable, signon) and client reliable buffer (but not unreliable). It extends them to 64 kbytes.
This means that players will have much less chance to be kicked with "Reliable channel overflowed". For example, you can change players' models on round start without bad consequences.

  • Increases server Reliable, SignOn buffers to 64 kbytes
  • Increases server Spectator buffer to 3990 bytes
  • Increases client Reliable buffer to 64 kbytes by sending it by fragments if need
  • Reduces the chance to be kicked with "Reliable channel overflowed" by increasing client reliable buffer
  • Go to your <gamedir> (for example "valve" or "cstrike") and copy there folder "addons" from the archive.
  • Then go to your metamod directory (for default is <gamedir>/addons/metamod/) and add into plugins.ini :
    • For windows:
      win32 addons\nbex\nbex.dll
    • For linux:
      linux addons/nbex/
Current version: 1.0 (Jan 07 2015)

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